Diplomatic Representation in US

Embassy of Indonesia, Washington, DC

Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, New York

Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Los Angeles: Services Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Hawaii, and all the Pacific Islands under the administration of the U.S.

Indonesia Trade Promotion Center, Los Angeles

Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, San Francisco

PTRI New York: Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations.

Pertinent Government Agencies

House of Representatives (DPR-RI): In Indonesian.

Ministry of Agriculture: Responsible for policy and implementation in the agricultural sector. In Indonesian.

Ministry of Forestry: In Indonesian and English. For english, click here.

Ministry of Health: A part of People's Welfare Sector, together with Education and Culture, Religious Affairs and Social Affairs under The Minister Coordinator for Social Welfare.

Ministry of Public Works: Responsible for basic development of public works for supporting the strategic sector like productivity improvement in order to maintain food self-sufficient, smooth flows of goods and services to improve non oil & gas export open remote local potency tourism activity, etc. In Indonesian.

Ministry for Science, Research and Technology (RISTEK): Formulates Government policies on research, science and technology, the application of research and technology products, including their links and usefulness in the realization of national development, and the attainment of national autonomy, integrity, and leadership through science and technology culture development; the advancement in the mastery, utilization and development of production techniques, technology, applied sciences and basic sciences. In Indonesian

Department of Foreign Affairs: Designed to provide basic information on Indonesia and recent developments in Indonesia's foreign affairs. In Indonesian and English.

Ministry of Industry: In English

National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS): Office of the Coordinating Minister for Economic, Finance and Industry.

Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI): IndoExchange has grown to a multinational Internet company whilst making Indonesia the first country in Asia with a site dedicated in providing comprehensive coverage on the country Business and Financial information. In Indonesian.

Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT): In Indonesian.

Capital Market Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM): Guidance, regulation, and day-to-day supervision of capital market is provided by Bapepam in order to implement an orderly, fair, and efficient capital market activities and protect the interests of investor and public. In Indonesian.

BPS - Statistics Indonesia: Provides data to the government and public. The data comprises of periodic information on structure and growth of economy, social change and development.

Indonesian's Investment Coordinating Board: BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal - Investment Coordinating Board) is an Investment Service Agency of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian National Police (Polri): Kapolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. In Indonesian.

Links to Indonesian ministries and agencies: Government & Politics. Includes links to other Indonesian embassies & consulates around the world.


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