Official Name:Japan
Capital: Tokyo
Population:126,475,664 (July 2011 est.)
Population Growth Rate: -0.278% (2011 est.)
Current Local Time: Standard Time +0900 UTC. Click here to view time.
Languages: Japanese
Climate/Weather: Click here to view forecast.
Currency: Japanese Yen Click here to go to currency converter.
Natural resources: Fish and few mineral resources.
Agriculture: Products--rice, vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, silk, fish.
Industry: Types--machinery and equipment, metals and metal products, textiles, autos, chemicals, electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, processed foods
Gross Domestic Product: US $4.31 trillion (PPP, 2010 est.)
GDP growth: 3.9% (2010 est.)
Source: Background Note - Japan (
General information on Japan
Japan Fact Sheet
Country profile, art & culture
Japan Balance of Trade
Website of Statistics Bureau of Japan
Japan Standard Time
Population Clock
World Bank Tokyo Office
Health information for Travelers to Japan
Foreign Entry Requirements
U.S Dept.of Energy country Analysis