Ministry of Environment
KEEI: Korea Energy Economics Institute.
KEI: Korea Environment Institute.
Korea Green Foundation: Has built a cooperative network between the government, corporations, civic organizations, and individuals in order to find solutions that influence governmental policies, help businesses and preserve the environment, all at the same time.
Korea Environmental Preservation Association: Has contributed to the development of healthy environment in Korea through research, survey, technical development, education and public information on the preservation of environment.
KMA: Korea Meteorological Administration.
ENVICO: Has played a leading role in recycling agricultural wastes and successfully establishing the separate discharge system.
S.CO2.S: Stop Global Warming, Save the Envirnoment.
Green Company Council: Korea Association of Environmentally Friendly Companies.
KIEST: Korea Institute of Environmental Science and Technology.
NIBR: National Institute of Biological Resources.
EHRD: National Institute of Environmental Human Resources Development.
KEITI: Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute.