Official Name: Republic of Korea
Capital: Seoul
Population: 48,754,657 (July 2011 est.)
Population Growth Rate: 0.23% (2011 est.)
Current Local Time: Standard Time +0900 UTC. Click here to view time.
Languages: Korean; English widely taught in junior high and high school.
Climate/Weather: Click here to view forecast.
Currency: South Korea, Won (KRW) Click here to go to currency converter.
Major exports: semiconductors, wireless telecommunications equipment, motor vehicles, computers, steel, ships, petrochemicals
Total exports: $464.3 billion (2010 est.)
Major imports: machinery, electronics and electronic equipment, oil, steel, transport equipment, organic chemicals, plastics
Total imports: $422.4 billion (2010 est.)
Leading markets:China 27.9%, US 10.2%, Japan 5.8% (2010)
Leading suppliers:China 17.9%, Japan 16.2%, US 10.1%, Saudi Arabia 5.2%, Australia 4.9% (2010)
Gross Domestic Product: $1.459 trillion (2010 est.)
GDP growth: 6.1% (2010 est.)
Source: Background Note - South Korea (



The Korean Society: New York based group that holds conferences on Korean political and business affairs, cultural and art tours, and issues affecting Koreans.

Trading Partner Portal - CalChamber : make California a better place to do business by giving private-sector employers a voice in state politics and providing a full range of California-specific products and services.

The World Bank

CIA World Factbook: Basic information, covering geography, population, government, economy, etc.

U.S. Department of State - Background Note: Korea

Currency Converter: Contains currency information on 180 currencies in over 250 geographical locations.

Local Time: Current time in Korea.

Population Clock For more information on population, economy, health, transportation, etc.


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