Diplomatic Representation in US

Royal Thai Embassy in U.S.: Provides comprehensive and accurate information about Thailand including politics, economy, society and foreign affairs, as well as views and commentaries concerning the Royal Thai Government's positions on various issues.

Royal Thai Consulate General in Los Angeles: Provides consular services which include Thai visas, Thai passport services, and the legalization of documents for conducting business in Thailand. Links to a site for an excellent source of tourist information on Thailand.

Pertinent Government Agencies

Ministry of Finance: Monitors and analyzes the developments of domestic and international economy. Also advises on the formulation of macroeconomic policies, particularly fiscal and monetary. In Thai and English.

Ministry of Public Health (MOPH): In Thai.

Ministry of Commerce (MOC): E-commerce information for Thailand's exporters is available. Also links to websites of the departments in Ministry of Commerce.

Ministry of Education: Responsible for a wide array of work which deals with educational, religious and cultural affairs. In Thai and English.

Bank of Thailand: Go here to find daily baht quotes. Gives not only financial data but also current issues, payment system, CDR, and economic data. In Thai and English.

Department of International Trade Promotion: Promotes "Made in Thailand" products and assists Thai manufacturers and exporters and foreign buyers.

Board of Investment (BOI): Helps investors to reduce the risks associated with investment, to reduce initial investment costs and improve the overall rate of return of investment, and to provide support services at all times.

CAT Telecom Public Company: National communication agency with major responsibility in providing nationwide and worldwide postal and telecommunication services for the public.

National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT): Recommends research policy and development. In Thai.

Parliament of Thailand: Contains information about The National Assembly Library. It gives you many political information in Thailand. In Thai and English.

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