Embassy of Nepal, Washington DC
US Embassy Kathmandu:
Twitter: @USEmbassyNepal
In the news:
Himalayan Times:
The Guardian:
Xinhuanet Nepal: (click)
Twitter: #nepalquake
Relief organizations (click)
Bay Area-based NGOs with Nepal earthquake funds:
Give2Asia Nepal Earthquake Fund
American Himalayan FoundationTweets by @calasiaorg
(Front row, from left to right) Patricia Yeh, SOM; Weili Dai, Marvell Technology Group; George Sycip, Halanna Management Corporation; Sandra McCandless, Dentons LLP; Lillian Nakagawa, GCA Law; Elizabeth Y.A. Ferguson, Drexel Oceania; Cheryl Jennings, ABC News; Jeremy Potash, Cal-Asia; H. Michael Keyoung, M.D., Ph.D., Portola Capital Partners; (Back row, from left to right) Joe Ryan, Top 1 Oil; Wen-Chi O'Connell, Silicon Valley Community Foundation; Richard Blum, Blum Capital Partners; Bradley Aris, Wells Fargo; Mark C. Dosker, Squire Sanders
At Asia Night 2014 the New Silk Road Award was presented to Richard C. Blum, Chairman and President of Richard C. Blum & Associates, Inc., the general partner of Blum Capital Partners, L.P., Honorary Consul of Nepal, founder of the American Himalayan Foundation, noted philanthropist, UC Regent (and former chairman), original funder of the Brookings Poverty and Global Economy Initiative and founder of the Blum Center for Developing Economies. For details, visit our website.
Recipients of Cal-Asia's prestigious New Silk Road Award include: Ms. Weili Dai, President and Co-founder of Marvell Technology Group; Dr. Chong Moon Lee, Founder, Diamond Multimedia; The Asia Foundation (presented to Dr. David Arnold, President); Alexander D. Calhoun, Senior Counsel, Squire Sanders & Dempsey; Daniel K. H. Chao, Chairman of Bechtel Greater China (retired); John S. Chen, Chairman, CEO, and President of Sybase; Hon. Dianne Feinstein, US Senator; Dr. Ta-Lin Hsu founder and chairman of H&Q Asia Pacific; C. Richard Kramlich, chairman and co-founder of New Enterprise Associates; G. Paul Matthews, Founder, Matthews International Capital Management; Dr. William F. Miller, SRI International, Stanford, and Silicon Valley visionary; Hon. George P. Shultz, Former Secretary of State; Washington SyCip, Founder of SGV & Co. and “Asia’s Wise Business Owl”; Amb. Linda Tsao Yang, former US Director, Asian Development Bank.
Cal-Asia's Mission to promote commerce between the U.S. and Asia. We are proud to have received two awards for our efforts from the US Department of Commerce.
Cal-Asia received the Export Citizen of the Year Award in 1998 for our continued focus on business opportunities during the Asian crisis. In 2007, we received the "Certificate of Appreciation for Achievement in Trade" for "creating opportunities for international trade and business" through its partnership with the U.S. Commercial Service, particularly the China Banking and Technologies Initiative and the Asia Clean Development / GreeningAsia Initiative.
Cal-Asia Is Partners with US Department of Commerce
Cal-Asia signed a memorandum of agreement on partnering with the US Department of Commerce to support US exports and investment on July 23, 2012 and is now an official partner of the International Trade Administration which administers the US Commercial Service.Other Cal-Asia News
--Foreign Direct Investment in ASEAN
--APEC Meetings for 2015 started in January in Hanoi and will culminate with the Manila summit. Meeting locations and dates: APEC Events Calendar. General info on APEC outcomes, plans: BANKReport to the U.S. Congress on the Export-Import Bank of the United States and global export credit competition, 2014
--OECD list of export credit agencies
--Asian ExIm Banks
Upcoming Cal-Asia and Partner EventsJune 5, 2015: Indonesia Business Forum, City of Oakland. Details: Bandung flyer
June 11, 2015: America's Blue Silicon Valley Meets China's Blue Silicon Valley, Moss Landing. Sponsored by Monterey Bay International Trade Association.
June 15, 2015: Firing the Fourth Arrow: The Private Sector and the Future of Japan, luncheon discussion at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, sponsored by Asia Society and FedSF; Cal-Asia is partner. Reserve by June 3.
Cal-Asia Research:
US Ambassadors and Senior Officials
Trans-Pacific Partnership:
The TPP agreement, announced November 12, 2011, is expected to enhance trade and investment among the TPP partner countries, promote innovation, economic growth and development, and support the creation and retention of jobs. Details:
Focus on Humanitarian Aid was founded by Cal-Asia member Asia Foundation to promote philanthropy in Asia.ASIA NIGHT SITE SPONSORS:
Asia Foundation, Asia Society, Marvell Technology, Portola Capital Partners, Potash & Co., Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM). Patrons: George McCown, Gary L. Wilson, Shorenstein Properties LLC, Elizabeth Y.A. Ferguson, Lillian Nakagawa, George Sycip.
California-Asia Business Council (Cal-Asia), - © Copyright 1994-2015. All rights reserved.