Cal-Asia Events and Seminars Click
here for a list of Cal-Asia's speakers.
April 12-13 |
Asia-Pacific Business Outlook Conference |
April 10 |
Vietnam Investment Briefing |
Feb. 19 |
October 16, 2014 |
Breakfast with Singapore Ambassador HE Ashok Kumar Mirpuri at the Four Seasons Hotel, SF. Cosponsored by the Consulate General of Singapore, US Commercial Service, US Small Business Administration and Cal-Asia. |
October 16, 2014 |
Demystifying China, part of the FRB SF's continuing Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance. Luncheon and presentation by Andy Rothman of Matthews International Capital Management. Cal-Asia was partner organization. |
Sept. 16, 2014 |
Breakfast Roundtable with the Honorable Han Dong-man, Consul General of Korea in SF. Hosted by Dentons LLP; cosponsored by US Commercial Service. Powerpoint presentation. |
July 29 |
USTDA Vietnam Airport Development and Operations Reverse Trade Mission, Reception with Vietnamese airport delegates (including the CEO of Airports Corporation of Vietnam and heads of Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, Danang and Cam Ranh airports) in SF sponsored by Cal-Asia, USTDA, US Commercial Service & hosted by Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP. . Details. |
May 19 |
Japan Trade & Investment Breakfast Briefing. US Embassy Tokyo Deputy Chief of Mission Kurt Tong & Senior Commercial Officer Andrew Wylegala led breakfast briefing on doing business in Japan. Panelists from Nikolas Weinstein Studios (Emily Vassos), SRI (Robert Pearlstein) and Vigilent (Jim Rynne). Organized by DHL, US Commercial Service SF; sponsored by California-Asia Business Council, hosted by Dentons; cosponsors JETRO and Japan Society of Northern California. |
April 24 |
Cal-Asia luncheon for ADB Vice President Stephen Groff at Squire Sanders. Highlights of ADB's annual economic forecast -- what's ahead for Asia. Overview |
April 11 |
Silicon Valley US Commercial Service speed meetings with USFCS specialists from Southeast Asia. |
April 8 |
Chinese Energy Efficiency Market Access Webinar. First in series. Sponsored by US Commercial Service, China-US Energy Efficiency Council |
April 7,8 |
Asia Pacific Business Outlook Conference (APBO) Presentations to be online soon |
April 1 |
Asia Society's launch of China's High Tech Surge: Investing in America and Innovation. Cal-Asia co-sponsored. For excellent stucy: China High Tech Surge |
Mar. 14 |
Breakfast briefing with Singapore Consul General Christopher Cheang, hosted by Dentons. For details |
Feb. 19 |
Shanghai Free Trade Zone Briefing organized by Cal-Asia and the Chinese Enterprise Association, hosted by Dentons. For details. |
Dec. 19 |
Member meeting with delegates from Greater Mekong Subregion State Department Delegation. Delegates from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam. Held at Dentons SF. |
Dec. 17 |
Doing Business in Vietnam: Opportunities and Challenges for Biotech Companies in Vietnam. Morning briefing with Huy Do,JD; Moira Gunn, PhD; Rahul Pathak, PhD. |
Nov. 13 |
OPIC's expanding horizons workshop -- learn how to use essential export assistance tools from OPIC, Ex-Im Bank, TDA, SBA, US Commercial Service. Experts from OPIC, TDA, EX-IM, SBA, USCS, Minority Business Development. Keynote by Jeremy W. Potash.. http://www.opicevents.com/ |
Nov. 2 |
China's Financial Reform Conference at USF. Cal-Asia is pleased to partner. See details. |
Oct. 31 |
Committee of 100 in Beijing: Fifth Greater China Conference. Focus on on philanthropy in China, U.S.-China strategic trust, U.S.-China cross-border investment trends and outlook, and China's environmental sustainability. Cal-Asia was pleased to partner on this important symposium.. Details |
October 25, 2013 |
Asia Night 2013 at the Four Seasons Hotel. Presentation of New Silk Road Award to Ms. Weili Dai, President and Co-founder of Marvell Technology Group and celebrating the Bay Area Council. Visit www.asianight.org for flashback, photos, details on wonderful honorees, etc. |
Oct. 22 |
Growing Older, Aging Better: Healthcare Revolution in Asia and the U.S., Cal-Asia partnered with Asia Society for this important event. |
Sept. 19 |
Federal Reserve Bank, SF: Risks and Opportunities for Japanese Banks in an Era of “Abenomics” and Financial Reform. Subject of significant import to Asia business. Cal-Asia is pleased to cosponsor. |
Sept. 16 |
Taiwan Breakfast Briefing with US Department of Commerce expert at Dentons in SF. For details |
June 25 |
Doing Business in Philippine Economic Zones with Undersecretary of Trade Lilia De Lima and other experts. For PEZA event details. |
June 4 |
US Ambassador to Vietnam David B. Shear. Wide ranging discussion of needs, opportunities, hurdles, etc. in one of Asia's fastest growing economies. Meeting at Dentons, SF. Details to members. |
May 9 |
Asia Financial Forum at the Federal Reserve Bank, SF. Is Japan Back? with Alexander Kinmont,
Chief Executive Officer
Milestone Asset Management Co. Cal-Asia recommended event. |
April 29 |
USTDA ASEAN Smart Grid Reverse Trade Mission Reception. Details to members. |
April 8-9, |
Asia Pacific Business Outlook Conference at USC. Plan to take part in the best concentrated business outlook on Asia Pacific, plus Brazil, India, Mexico. See APBO for presentations. |
April 8 |
Asia Financial Forum with Frederic Lau at the Federal Reserve Bank, SF. Cal-Asia recommended event. A Hard Landing for the Chinese Banking Sector?. |
April 2 |
Breakfast briefing on business opportunities in Indonesia with Commercial Counselor David Gossack of US Embassy Jakarta. For details. Hosted by Squire Sanders.. |
March 28 |
International Business Networking in San Francisco, hosted by Australia-America Chamber of Commerce -- Cal-Asia was cosponsor. |
March 28 |
China-Asia Growth Forum sponsored by SF Business Times. Visit: http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/event/78251 |
March 28 |
Members meet with officials from Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam. Hosted by Dentons. |
Mar.21 |
Members meet visitors from Henan, Hebei provinces. Hosted by Dentons |
Mar. 20 |
Cal-Asia Emerging Leaders Speed Networking evening. For details, please visit speed networking. |
Oct, 29 |
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Asia, Hon. Craig Allen. Breakfast briefing on trade agreements, transAsia business issues. |
Oct. 16 |
Cal-Asia's 18th Annual Asia Night at the Four Seasons. Honoring Chong-Moon Lee and The Asia Foundation. www.asianight.org |
Oct. 1 |
Chinese Direct Investment in California; Launch of Asia Society & Rhodium Group study. San Francisco |
Sept. 14 |
Japan: New Initiatives for Sustainable Growth. SF briefing with JETRO, Japanese Consulate General, US Commercial Service. |
Sept. 1 |
Malaysia: Minister of Federal Territories nd Urban Wellbeing discussed business prospects in greater KL region. At Burrill & Co., San Francisco.. |
Aug. 24 |
Breakfast briefing on Vietnam with US Consul General, Ho Chi Minh City, An T. Le Details |
Aug 2 |
Vinh Phuc, Vietnam: Presentation from local government and industry leaders highlighting the investment potential of the northern Vietnamese province that has seen over 15% growth per annum since 2001 |
July 16 |
Peoples Republic of China: Breakfast briefing in SF with Christopher Quinlivan Commercial Counselor for China & Deputy SCO Embassy of the United States of America Beijing, China . Details. |
June 26 |
Vietnam Financial Services IT delegation sponsored by USDTA. Details. SF meeting by invitation. |
May 25 |
Focus Korea: KORUS-FTA -- what does it mean for US businesses. With Consul General Jeong G. Lee, representatives of KOTRA, Korea desk officer of US Commercial Service. Details. Hosted by Squire Sanders. |
May 23 |
Thailand: Member meeting with Consul General of Royal Thai Consulate General, LA. Hosted by SNR Denton. |
Mar.19 |
Singapore Clean Tech Briefing with representatives of Singapore PUB, US Commercial Service, iE Singapore, SPRING Singapore. Details Held at SNR Denton |
Jan. 31 |
Philippines Trade & Investment Road Show, led by HE Jose L. Cuisa Jr. Focus: financial services, mining . Details Details in pdf. Powerpoints will be offered on Philippine Investment Roadshow page. Hosted by SNR Denton |
Dec. 1 |
Vietnam Ministry of Construction delegation focus on urban development, affordable housing, water and energy issues. Held at SNR Denton, SF. |
Nov. 29 |
Asia Night 2011. New Silk Road Award presented to C. Richard Kramlich, chairman & co-founder of New Enterprise Associates. |
Nov. 14, 15 |
Economic Recovery and Monetary Policy: Lessons from Japan. Organized by Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco. In SF and LA. Cal-Asia was supporting organization. |
Sept. 21 |
INDONESIA AND SOUTHEAST ASIA: The Role of ASEAN in Regional Development, SF Sponsored by the Center for the Pacific Rim, USF (Cal-Asia is a cosponsor)
Sept. 16 |
Coffee briefing with former New Zealand Prime Minister Mike Moore -- focus on implication of trade pacts including proposed TransPacific Partnership. Amb. Moore Briefing Details... |
Sept 8-9 |
FRB San Francisco Asian Banking and Finance Symposium. Asian Financial Institutions: Risk Management in a Global Environment; Cal-Asia is an associate sponsor. See Detail |
Sept. 2 |
Breakfast with US Consul General HCMC, Hon. An T. Le, San Francisco |
Aug. 17 |
Breakfast with Vietnam Consul General Nguyen Ba Hung. Cal-Asia welcomes Vietnam's new Consul General to California/Pacific Northwest. Detail |
Aug. 18-20 |
Southern California Chinese American Environmental Protection Association (SCCAEPA) Fourth International Symposium on Global Emerging Environmental Challenges and Governmental Responses in San Gabriel, California PDF |
June 7 |
Building Your Business in America's Hidden Market, ASEAN. With US Ambassadors to Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore. Bay area. |
May 27 |
Social Transformation & the Role of Media in Thailand.
With The Honorable Commissioner Sudharma Yoonaidharma, Thailand Govt.’s National Broadcasting & Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) Berkeley Law. Cal-Asia cosponsored. |
May 3-5 |
OPIC's Access to Opportunity in Southeast Asia Conference in Jakarta. Cal-Asia was cosponsor. |
April 7 |
Cal-Asia's Philippine Trade & Investment Opportunities Breakfast with Patrick T. Wall,
Commercial Counselor Manila Philippines, U.S. Commercial Service Philippines, U.S. Department of Commerce; and Consul Alfonso Ver, Career Minister, Consulate General of the Philippines, SF. Cosponsored by the Philippines Trade Center/Department of Trade & Industry, and the U.S. Commercial Service, San Francisco
April 2 |
Berkeley MBA Asia Business Conference, put on by students of Haas Business School. Cal-Asia was a cosponsor for this event. |
Mar. 28-29 |
Asia Pacific Business Outlook 2011 Conference, Los Angeles. Cal-Asia has partnered on this superb event for more than two decades. |
Mar. 18 |
Meeting with Dr. Lawrence Spinelli, OPIC at SNR Denton offices, SF |
Mar. 18 |
SFBT - China - Asia Growth Forum; Cal-Asia cosponsored. |
Feb. 19 |
SF Chinatown
New Year's Parade at One Kearny. |
Jan. 31 |
VIETNAM TRADE & INVESTMENT ROUNDTABLE Hong Phong Pho, Vietnam Desk Officer, US Department of Commerce; held at offices of SNR Denton, SF |
Nov 17 |
Asia Night 2010: The celebrated Asia-focused annual business networking gala. For more information . |
Nov 10 |
"Thailand’s Advantage", an executive breakfast seminar in San Jose. |
Nov. 3 |
Protecting Intellectual Property in China: Regulatory Change and Business Strategy.
Conference in Santa Clara. |
Oct. 21 |
Singapore: Gateway to Southeast Asia. Seminar and Luncheon in SF |
Oct. 2 |
Vietnam: Meeting with Minister of Planning and Investment, Vo Hong Phuc. |
Sep 20 |
Gujarat delagation meets California, Milpitas, CA |
Aug. 9 |
Vietnam factfinding delegation, San Francisco. Details to members. |
July 15 |
India Expert Roundtable with Awinash Bawle, San Francisco. |
July 13, 14 |
Briefing with Jim Zimmerman, AMCHAM Beijing chairman emeritus and author of China Law Deskbook. At Squire Sanders & Dempsey offices in San Francisco and Palo Alto. |
July 1 |
Cal-Asia member's roundtable with Indonesia's Vice Minister of Trade Mahendra Siregar, SF. |
June 14 |
Luncheon discussion with Asian Development Bank Managing Director Rajat Nag to launch ADB's new flagship study "Institutions for Asian Regionalism - Enhancing Cooperation and Integration in Asia and the Pacific". Study synopsis. |
June 7, 8 |
Global Recovery: Asia and the New Financial Landscape, SF FED. Conference proceedings are now on line. http://www.frbsf.org/banking/asiasource/events/2010/0607/ |
May 27 |
US Consul General to Ho Chi Minh City, Hon. Kenneth Fairfax |
May 5-7 |
OPIC Renewable Energy and Clean Technology Conference, New Delhi. Cal-Asia was a cosponsor. Wrap up details to come. |
Apr. 23 |
John Peters, Senior Commercial Officer, USEmbassy Tokyo. GreeningAsia Breakfast, focus Japan. |
Apr. 27 |
China Driving the Global Economy? A Webinar Looking at How U.S. Firms Can Benefit from the China Stimulus Package, with Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs William Zarit. |
Apr. 19-20 |
22nd Asia-Pacific Business Outlook Conference, USC -- meet Senior Commercial Officers and business leaders from throughout Asia.- Cal-Asia is a named supporter. |
Apr. 16 |
US/Vietnam Agent Orange/Dioxin Dialogue Group with high profile Vietnamese leaders, SF. Dr. Vo Quy, founder of CRES, Ambassador Xuan, Vietnam's chief WTO negotiator |
Apr. 8-10 |
C-100 Annual Conference and Leadership Forum. Cal-Asia is a promotional sponsor. Truly excellent content; highly recommended. Early career executives encouraged to take part in April 10 Leadership Forum. |
Apr. 9 |
Indonesia Breakfast Briefing. Offices of Squire Sanders & Dempsey, One Maritime Plaza, 4th Floor, San Francisco. |
Apr. 6 |
Thailand's Ambassador to the US, HE Don Pramudwinai came to San Francisco to promote trade and investment with Thailand. |
Apr. 3 |
Chinese American Enviro Protection Association's "China's Green Leap Forward" conference |
Mar. 31 |
SF Business Times Asia-China Business Forum in San Francisco |
Feb. 22 |
Senior Official Briefing. H.E. Roy Ferguson, New Zealand Ambassador to the U.S. |
Feb. 18 |
Post-Crisis Challenge for the US-China Relationship: Symbiosis or Tension? Asia Society, Pacific Council for International Policy sponsored. Included CBRC, Federal Reserve Bank spekers. Cal-Asia was a marketing cosponsor. |
Jan. 29 |
China's Canton Fair: Learn how to promote your exports to China or find sources at the 107th Canton Fair. Details on the Canton Fair SF Briefing page. |
Jan. 19 |
US-China Relations: Present and Future -- with Chinese Ambassador to the US Zhou Wenzhong. Hosted by World Affairs Council, San Francisco |
Dec. 10 |
"Malaysian-USA Business Opportunities" seminar with the Hon. Mustapha Mohamed. Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia. Sponsored by MIDA (Malaysian Industrial Development Authority. |
Dec. 4 |
Vietnam-US Business Club delegation visits San Francisco. Led by former Vietnam Ambassador to the U.S. Details to members. |
Dec. 3 |
Chinese Enterprises Business-to-Business Exchange, SF. |
Nov. 20 |
Asia Night 2009: presenting the New Silk Road Award to G. Paul Matthews. At the Palace Hotel, San Francisco -- reception featured consular tables from many countries and included the beers ofChina, India, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Attended by the ambassadors of Brunei and Vietnam, and consuls general and/or trade officials from nine countries of Asia. To read press release. |
Nov. 16 |
Meet Vietnam Investment Forum, led by Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong, with Vice Ministers of Planning and Investment, Information and Communications, and Foreign Affairs plus 100+ member delegation. Cal-Asia co-hosted with Government of Vietnam and San Francisco Mayor's Office of International Trade. |
Oct. 21 |
China's Renewable Energy Future, brown bag lunch with Dr. Zhao Gang, SF. |
Oct. 13 |
Taiwan's accession to the WTO government procurement agreement (GPA). A discussion including Allen Chien from the American Institute in Taiwan; at Department of Commerce. |
Sept. 29 |
GreeningAsia Breakfast Salon with Barbara Finamore of China-US Energy Efficiency Alliance. |
Sept. 25 |
2nd annual Green Trade Network summit - Sustainable Cities of the 21st Century, Santa Cruz (Cal-Asia was a supporting organ ization) |
Sept. 23 |
Chairman Jiang Zhaobai of the Pengxin Group at office of Squire Sanders & Dempsey, SF. |
Sept. 18 |
Asia’s Future: Critical Thinking for a Changing Environment, panel discussion led by Jennifer Turner of the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson Center |
July 1 |
INDIA - What Global Downturn? Opportunities Abound in India
Tapping the Promise, Avoiding the Pitfalls, with Gunjan Bagla, Amritt Inc.
Cosponsored with US Commercial Service, Silicon Valley and TIE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) |
June 26 |
CHINA - Expert Briefing: Breakfast with Albert Ting, International Trade Specialist at the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of the China Economic Area. His focus is technology and finance. |
June 25 |
VIETNAM - A View from Vietnam--With
Dr. Kim N.B. Ninh, Asia Foundation Country Representative, Vietnam. |
June 25 |
Asian Banking in Challenging Times
An important half-day symposium that continues the tradition of the Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco in examining emerging trends and issues that will impact banking and financial centers both in Asia and in the United States.Financial experts from US and Asia will speak. Cal-Asia is an Associate Sponsor. |
June 25 |
INDIA - Expert Briefing: Breakfast with Awinash Bawle, India Desk Officer at the US Department of Commerce. Will discuss business issues and opportunities in the country. In partnership with US Commercial Service, SF |
June 9 |
The Global Financial Crisis: How Did We Get Here? How Do We Get Out?---Leading experts on US and Asian finance will address key issues in a half-day conference focused on the causes of the economic meltdown, the policy response in the US and Asia, and prospects for growth in the coming year. Speakers include Robert Ward of Economist Intelligence Unit; Qi Bin, China Security Research Center; Sanjiv Sanghvi, President and CEO, Wells Fargo HSBC Trade Bank; Henny Sender of FT and others. Cal-Asia is a cosponsor. |
June 4 |
Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Summit---Conference and business luncheon, hosted by The San Francisco Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, featuring Mrs. Rita Lau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Hong Kong SAR Government, and other preeminent business notables, that will examine policy, programs, and infrastructure and explore opportunities to capitalize on Hong Kong's advantages for the China market. |
May 29 |
APEC - Afternoon briefing with Hon. Patricia M. Haslach, US Ambassador to APEC |
May 26 |
Breakfast with Hon. Hong-Phong Pho, Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia Desk Officer, US Dept. of Commerce, San Francisco. |
May 22 |
VSVN Annual Conference---Senior executives and leading bankers in Vietnam address business conditions and opportunities in the country. Cal-Asia is a cosponsor. |
May 6 |
Asia Business Outlook Luncheon with Simon Ogus, noted economist and founder of DSG Asia and Cindy Marks of FRBSF, San Francisco. Moderated by Dr. Nancy Mangold, Cal-State East Bay University. |
May 3-14 |
China Import and Export Fair, Canton Fair
http://www.cftc.org.cn/en/Exhibition/CantonFair.aspn |
May 1 |
Scaling Up: From Green Buildings to Green Cities in the US and China. Conference on green building in the US, China, and emerging markets in Asia.
All day conference, San Francisco. Hosted by Bay Area Council and the Asia Society. Cosponsored by Cal-Asia. |
Apr 27- May 2 |
BEST PRACTICES EXCHANGE: Demand-Side-Management (DSM) and Distribution
Join utility executives, engineers, policy makers and other to learn more about efficient design and operation of electrical distribution systems, as well as associated DSM programs, Both components are critical in developing a successful electrical system in any country. An event of the Asia Pacific Partnership. |
Apr 27-29 |
The 2009 Energy Efficiency Global Forum and Exposition
The event will bring together business leaders and government officials from over 20 countries to discuss EE in a variety of contexts and to exhibit key EE technologies. |
Apr 6-7 |
Asia Pacific Business Outlook (APBO) Conference, at USC, Los Angeles
The longest running, most successful regional conference of its kind focusing specifically on Asian markets. |
Mar 24 |
Cal-Asia's Food Safety, Defense and Security Discussion.
Discussion led by Barbara Cassens, Director, Northern California Region, Food and Drug Administration and Jerry Gillespie of Western Institute for Food Safety and Security. Invitation only. |
Mar 19 |
GreeningAsia Breakfast Salon, Focus Korea, 8:30 to 10 a.m., San Francisco.
Featuring Consul Hong Ju Jo, Consulate General of Korea in SF and discussion of Korea's green development initiatives. Members and previous participants have received emails about this event. |
Mar 16-18 |
"The 2009 Green California Summit"
hosted by Green Technology |
Mar 4-6 |
Water China 2009
The largest Chinese trade fair for the Water Industry. Organized by the China Foreign Trade Centre Group in association with MEREBO Messe Marketing. |
Feb 28 |
Feb 27 |
Invest Hong Kong / Business Luncheon
China is the single most important and fastest growing marketplace, as well as manufacturing base, for US products and services. Come learn how to use Hong Kong as your platform to do business with Mainland China. |
Feb 10 |
GreeningAsia / Asia Cleantech briefing.
Debriefing on Bay Area Council's 2008 U.S China Green Energy Conference. |
Nov 24 |
Singapore Green Building Delegation, San Francisco. Details sent to Cal-Asia members |
Nov 21 |
14th Annual "Asia Night 2008" in
San Francisco. New Silk Road Award: Cal-Asia's Three Venerables |
Nov 12-14 |
US-China Green Tech Summit in Shanghai. High-level Government and Business Leaders to address trans-Pacific cooperation, investment and business alliances in US-China green energy. Cal-Asia is a cosponsor. |
Nov 14 |
Representative of US Consulate General, Ho Chi Minh City. Details sent to Cal-Asia members |
Nov 10-11 |
"2nd Annual China Energy Forum" in Beijing--Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss China's Energy Ecosystem
hosted by Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy (JUCCCE) |
Nov. 3- 4 |
Global Customs Initiative Workshop - USTDA in Hanoi; Cal-Asia is cosponsor |
Oct. 23 |
REGULATORY REFORM IN CHINA: Asia Financial Forum with Andrew Sheng
Chief Advisor to the China Banking Regulatory Commission,
Luncheon at Federal Reserve Bank, SF |
Oct 21 & 22 |
Asia-Pacific Partnership (APP) Regional Briefings on the APP Asia Clean Technology Initiative
Bringing together industry, NGOs, state, local and federal government officials in Los Angeles & San Jose.
For more information, please see APP Asia Clean Technology Initiative pdf. |
Oct 16 |
Beijing Investment and Cooperation Forum, half-day complimentary seminar in San Francisco. Sponsored by Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau (BIPB), Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and Beijing Industry Promotion Bureau.
For more info ; Speaker bios; Delegation list; Forum Agenda |
Sept. 19 |
Green Trade Network Summit hosted by Monterey Bay Interntional Trade Association (MBITA); Cal-Asia Affiliated Association |
Aug 27 |
GreeningAsia Salon Breakfast Series - EPA and Watersource Protection in China
Commercial Service, Morrison & Foerster, US EPA |
Aug 2
"SF Benefit Concert for Burma and Sichuan"
Sponsored by AsianWeek Foundation to Feature Emerging Asian American Artists Natalise, Mud, and Paul Kim |
July 26
"The annual bay area Indonesian Day celebration"
will be held at Union Square, San Francisco |
July 21 |
"Lunch Forum on the Philippine Software Industry" at the Social Hall in San Francisco
www.philippinecentersf.com |
June, 19 |
"CINA SiChuan Earthquake Relief Fund Raising Mixer:
My One Week Journey in SiChuan"
at Fenwick & West, LLP
801 Falifornia Street,
Mountain View CA
Speaker : Dr. Yuan Liu, son of the victim of 512 Sichuan Earthquake |
June, 18-19 |
"Asian Banking and Finance Conference"
sponsored by Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco |
June, 7 |
"Inspiring Across Generations"
at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco
ASCEND, a resource for Asian American accounting and financial professionals, is holding its annual leadership conference and dinner. |
June, 2 |
"Congresswoman Barbara Lee's Earthquake Townhall"
at Oakland Asian Cultural Center (388 9th Street #290, Oakland) (in Pacific Renaissance Plaza, cross street is Franklin) For more information or to RSVP, please call: (510) 763-0370 |
May. 15 |
Globalization Through Hong Kong’s Capital Markets, Santa Clara |
Apr. 18 |
US-China Green Energy Conference: Fueling A Clean Energy Future, San Francisco, sponsored by the Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative, Berkeley Chinese Alumni International Association, Berkeley China Initiative, Asia Society, Bay Area Council Economic Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Bay Area Science and Innovation Consortium, University of California 10+10 Alliance. Also, launched the US-China Green Energy Council (UCGEC) |
Apr. 16 |
BULLISH ON ASIA?, with Paul Matthews, SF |
Apr. 15 |
GreeningAsia Salon. Focus: The Juice about JUCCCE (Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy). |
Apr. 8 |
Vietnam IT and Telecom Conference, San Francisco.
Discussion of current conditions in Vietnam's IT sector and business opportunities from Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) senior officials and business delegates.. Delegation List. |
Mar. 25 |
Why Shandong? Afternoon discussion and briefing led by vice governor of Shandong Province, Santa Clara. Delegation list |
Mar. 19 |
California-Asia Business Outlook: What's Ahead in the Year of the Rat An Expert Look at Business Prospects in 2008,PANEL TOPICS: China, Asia and America: A Dangerous Confusion - William Overholt, Rand Corporation
Banking in the Year of the Brown Earth Rat: Focus Asia - Teresa M. Curran, Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco
Equities Markets in Asia - Paul Matthews, Chairman, Matthews Int'l Capital Management
Implications of Sustainable Design for China- Patricia Yeh, Associate Project Manager, SOM |
Mar. 6 |
Philippine Agriculture Agenda for 2008 :A luncheon featuring Philippine Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Josyline Javelosa followed by one-on-one meetings with Philippine Dept. of Agriculture Delegation.
click on the following thumbnails to view a larger picture.
-------------- ----------- 
Feb. 5 |
Cal-Asia Roundtable Event: Focus on Project Finance in the Pacific Triangle: Asia, South America, U.S. with the President of Andean Development Corporation, Dr. Enrique Garcia. Hosted by Squire Sanders & Dempsey, SF. |
Jan. 31 |
HK: Partner and Risk Manager in China -- Luncheon with Mike Rowse, Director General of Invest Hong Kong |
Jan. 30 |
Jan. 30, 2008 Asia Clean Tech / Greening Asia breakfast salon: Focus on Bali Conference Implications for Green Business, San Francisco.For members and stakeholders. Hosted by Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, SF. |
Dec. 21 |
MOFCOM Director General Hu Jingyan and representatives from Shenzen's International Cultural Industries Fair - ICIF (May 2008) |
Dec. 7-8 |
China's Environment: What We Know and How We Know It. Cosponsored with Berkeley China Initiative. |
Dec. 7 |
Hong Kong P2E2 Delegation (pollution prevention/energy efficiency), with US Department of Commerce |
Nov. 19 |
Briefing on clean development opportunities in Asian Development Bank pipeline, SF. |
Nov. 15 |
OPIC Expanding Horizons Conference for Women and Minority-Owned Businesses, San Francisco. |
Nov. 7 |
GreeningAsia / Asia Clean Tech Salon, SF With Jim Wunderman, President of Bay Area Council on Bay Area / Yangtze Council MOU on clean development |
Oct. 26 |
Asia Night 2007 at the St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco |
Oct. 8-21 |
CASPA and SVSTA Biz-Tech Trade Delegation to China |
Oct. 2 |
Sept. 26 |
Luncheon with Cathay Pacific's new CEO Tony Tyler, San Francisco (cosponsored with HKANC and HKETO) |
9/6-7 |
Asian Banking: Challenges and Opportunities -- Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank |
8/11 |
Indonesia Day, A celebration of Indonesian arts, culture and tourism, San Francisco |
8/2-3 |
VSVN's First Annual Technology and Business conference, Palo Alto |
7/19 |
"Briefing on Malaysia's Broadband Program", Sponsoredby Cal-Asia and hosted by Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal; featured USTDA-sponsored delegation of broadband experts from Malaysia, Menlo Park |
6/19-20 |
in Asian Financial Sectors the first conference in the San
Francisco Federal Reserve Bank's
Asian Financial Crisis series. |
6/14 |
The Asian Business Association of Silicon Valley celebrated the grand opening of it's new Mountain View office and it's 10th year in service to Asian business throughout Northern California. |
5/21 |
Clean Tech / Greening Asia salon, San Francisco with Lida Tan, EPA |
5/18 |
Indonesia's Minister of Trade, Marie Pangestu, headlined a full-day Indonesia Business Opportunities Conference in Los Angeles. |
4/24 |
Webinar sponsored by US Commercial Service: Procurement
decision-making process in China banks
Click here for more information |
4/17 |
discussion with Hon. Burhanuddin Abdullah, Governor, Bank Indonesia |
4/16 |
Doing Business
In Malaysia Seminar with Datuk Rafidah Aziz, Minister
of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia, and Tim Harris,
CEO, Komag. Santa Clara |
4/3-4 |
Energy Project Financing for California and International Markets
Sponsored by the California Energy Commission
3/27 |
with Hon. Ralph
L. (Skip) Boyce, US Ambassador to Thailand,Co-hosted with
Lombard Investments |
3/23 |
with Barry Friedman, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs,
USEmbassy Beijing |
3/22 |
Clean Tech / Greening Asia salon, San Francisco at offices of
Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal |
3/15 |
with H.E. Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat, Ambassador of the Republic
of Indonesia to the
U.S., SF. Cosponsored with the Consulate General of the Republic
of Indonesia |
1/30 |
Clean Tech / Greening Asia salon, San Francisco at offices of
Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal |
1/8 |
FTA Fourth Round Negotiations Briefing with Assistant USTR Barbara
Weisel, SF |
11/30 |
Indonesia Economic Update and
The Impact of the "Blue Wave" on U.S.-Asia Ties with
Alphonse La Porta -- |
10/26 |
Clean Energy Technology Opportunities Workshop, Los Angeles |
10/11 |
China's Financial Markets Panel
featuring William Overholt
Sponsored by Asia Society; cosponsored by Cal-Asia
9/13 |
Business Connection 2006, San Francisco(5th Annual Business Mixer) |
9/7 |
Guangdong Development Bank –
Branch delegation reception
Members only reception
& networking with senior executives of Hangzhou Branch of
Guangdong Development Bank. |
8/11 |
Indonesia Day in San Francisco with
the Indonesian Day Committee, comprising of dozens of volunteers
from the Indonesian community in
California. This event is in conjunction with the
celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day on August 17th.
Cosponsored with the Indonesian
Day Committee and Indonesian Consulate General in San Francisco. |
8/10 |
Water Flow Technology / Irrigation
Sector in China
webinar with
-David Gossack, Commercial Attaché,
U.S. Embassy Beijing
-David DeChant, President
of Vision Quest Intelligence; former International Marketer and
Consultant, MD State
Department of Agriculture
-Jennifer Turner, PhD, Coordinator
of the China
Environment Forum &
Woodrow Wilson
International Center
for Scholars
Cosponsored with US Commercial Service
and San Joaquin
Valley International
Trade Association
8/7 |
Indonesian Trade Officials delegation
visit & luncheon
A visit to the Cal-Asia office for
a brief networking and a delightful lunch at the Pasta Pelican
click on the following thumbnails to view a larger picture.
view all the pictures from this visit, please click
7/25 |
Green Development: Asian Renewable
Energy Markets and Financing briefing with
-Tim Olson, Manager of the California Energy Commission
and the California
Energy Technology Export Program
-Stephan Crawford, US
Commercial Service
-Jeremy Potash, Executive Director
of Cal-Asia
Cosponsored with US Commercial Service
and The California
Energy Commission
For more information, please visit
Global Energy Connection.
6/15 |
China Banking week from the China Financial Sector Program.
Senior Chinese Banking Delegation briefing & networking reception.
Part of the week-long training session featuring senior executives
from 11 China City Commercial Banks, representatives of China
Banking Regulatory Commission and China Banking Association. Some
50 speakers, including presenters from sponsor companies: Fiserv,
US Bank, Sandler O'Neill Partners, Oracle, Wells Fargo Bank, Sonnenschein
Nath & Rosenthal, Pivotal Resources, Ser Technology and United
Commercial Bank. Reception for US companies with presentations by Cisco and office of
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Programs sponsored by Cal-Asia,
Commercial Service and Cal-State
East Bay.
6/15 |
Breaking Business Barriers: Improving
Regulatory Environment briefing with
-Dr. David Ray, Deputy Director, Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative
-Dr. Franck Wiebe, Chief Economist, The Asia Foundation, Moderator.
Cosponsored with The Asia Foundation
6/8 |
Asia Night 2006 -12th Annual Networking Gala with presentation of
New Silk Road
Award to the Honorable George P. Shultz. |
6/2 |
Indonesia’s Investment Climate, an informal discussion with the Honorable Muhammad Lutfi, Chairman of
the BKPM (Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board)
Cosponsored with The Asia Foundation(San
Francisco) and Consulate General of
5/24 |
Business and Trade with Mongolia, an informal dialogue with Hon. P. Tsagaan, founder of Steppe Link, Mongolia
4/19 |
China Financial Sector Program and Green Development briefing with
David S. Bohigian, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce, cosponsored with US Commercial Service. |
4/12 |
Opportunities in Singapore briefing with George Ruffner, Senior
Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Singapore |
3/28 |
in China
briefing: The Next Wave.
Meeting sponsored by Berkeley
Initiative and Asia Society,
cosponsored by Cal-Asia. |
3/20 |
Changzhou Meets Silicon Valley, San
Jose. Delegation featuring senior executives
from Changzhou, led by the
Mayor of Changzhou.
Representative Mike Honda |
3/18 |
Tianjin Municipal Government (Dagang District) Urban Planning Briefing |
2/1 |
China Financial Sector Program phone
briefing with David Loevinger, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury
for Asia and soon to be financial
attaché at the U.S.
Embassy in Beijing.
1/19 |
China Financial Sector Program briefing on Chinese banking matters with
Henry S. (Hank) Levine, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce
for Asia and former US Consul General in Shanghai |
12/1 | "One Billion Customers : Lessons from the Front Lines of
Doing Business in China"
with James McGregor Cosponsored by Cal-Asia with Asia
Society | 12/1 | Marketing briefing on trends in Vietnam's banking sector and
opportunities for US technology and service providers Cosponsored with -U.S. Commercial Service-Ho Chi Minh
-U.S. Commercial Service-San Francisco -Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative
(VNCI) | 11/5 | VSVN Entrepreneurs Academy with Chris Larsen, founder and CEO
of eLoan Cosponsored with -Vietnam
Silicon Valley Network (VSVN) |
11/3 | Luncheon with Philip Chen JP, Chief Executive of Cathay Pacific Cosponsored with -Hong Kong Association of Northern California
-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco -Asia Society |
11/3 | Vietnam
- US Business Matchmaking Cal-Asia program cosponsored with -Vietnamese Young Entrepreneurs
Organization (VYEO) -Consulate General of Vietnam (San Francisco) If you missed the opportunity to meet with
VYEO, please feel free to contact them directly (see directory) |
11/1 | The
Rule of Law in China
Featuring Cal-Asia
board member Warren Rothman and Edward Epstein of Salans, Shanghai Cosponsored with -The Commonwealth
Club of California |
10/27 | Senior Executives from the Hong Kong Film Industry Cosponsored with -Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office - San
Francisco -U.S. Commercial Service - San Francisco |
10/24 |
China Online Game Explosion
Cosponsored with -Chinese Software Professionals Association
(CSPA) |
10/14 |
Hong Kong - Guangdong Business Conference in US 2005 |
10/13 |
Market briefing
on trends in Vietnam's
banking sector and opportunities for US technology and service providers |
10/13 |
Guangzhou Meets Silicon Valley
2005 |
9/21 |
Opportunities in Malaysia"
- Featuring a Keynote Address by the Honorable Mrs. Rafidah Aziz, Minister of
International Trade & Industry, Malaysia |
8/23 |
California-Asia Business
Connection 2005, San Francisco (4th Annual Business Mixer) Cosponsored with
- Asian Business Association (ABA) - Association of Chinese Finance
Professionals (ACFP) - Chinese Information & Networking Association
(CINA) - Chinese Software Professionals Association (CSPA)
- East Meets West Foundation (EMW) - Indonesian Professionals Association
(IPA) - Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Association (SCEA)
- US-Laos National Coalition (USLNC) - Vietnamese Silicon Valley
Network (VSVN) |
7/25-27 |
California-China Banking
Technologies Week, San Francisco (7/25) & Santa Clara (7/27) WTO and China's
Banking Sector: A Dialogue in partnership with - U.S.
Department of Commerce, Commercial Service - Association of Asian American
Bankers (AAAB) |
7/22 |
Henan Trade and Investment Fair 2005 Led by - Mr.
Xu Guangchun, Henan
Provincial Party Committee Secretary - Mr. Shi Ji Chun, Vice Governor
of Henan Province |
7/14 |
Navigating China's Customs
and Logistics Environment Sponsored by - WIT-OC |
7/13 |
Exploring Possibilities in Partnership in Bioscience with Thailand |
6/30 |
Vietnam in the Global Marketplace, Monterey, CA Sponsored by -
Monterey Bay
International Trade Association (MBITA) |
6/24 |
Vietnam - U.S. Business
Roundtable, San Francisco in partnership with
- Consulate General of Vietnam
(SF) - Vietnam
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) |
6/21 |
City College of SF Speaker Series Sponsored by -
City College San Francisco, School of Business,
Southeast Asia Business and Education Center |
6/3 |
11th Annual Asia Night, 2005 at The Ritz-Carlton,
San Francisco
with honored guest; U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein <Photo Album> |
5/26 |
Trading with Laos: New Opportunities Sponsored by -
National Coalition - California-Asia Business Council (Cal-Asia)
- Fund for Reconciliation and Development - Corporate sponsorship
from US-Laos Trade and Investment Group · Soulivong Daravong, Minister of
Commerce, Laos
· Sary Tatpaporn, US Laos National
Coalition |
4/27-29 |
USTDA Southeast Asia Connections, Bangkok, Thailand Cosponsored |
4/26 |
Hangzhou Branch of Guangdong
Development Bank, San Francisco The second meeting in the series:
China Financial Services and Banking Project Cosponsored with
- U.S. Department of Commerce - Commercial Service; - California
State University – East Bay in cooperation with - Association
of Asian American Bankers (AAAB); - Association of Chinese Finance
Professionals (ACFP) |
4/18-20 |
Milken Institute Global
Conference, Los Angeles Cosponsored |
4/7-8 |
Asia/Pacific Business
Outlook 2005, Los Angeles Cosponsored |
3/16 |
Meeting with Hon. Tan
Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Chief Minister of Penang, Malaysia San
Francisco · Hon. Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, Chief
Minister of Penang, Malaysia
3/2 |
"2005 - Asia's Year of Consolidation" A discussion
with Richard Martin, Managing Editor, IMA Asia San
Francisco · Richard
Martin, Managing Director, IMA Asia (International
Market Assessment - Asia Pty Ltd) |
2/16 |
WTO and China's Banking
Reforms: Opportunities for Bay Area Firms - The first meeting in the
series: China Financial Services and Banking Project San Francisco
Cosponsored with U.S. Department of Commerce - Commercial Service;
AEA (American Electronics Association); Asian American Association
of Banks (AAAB); Asian American Multi-technology Association (AAMA);
Asian Business League (ABL); Association of Chinese Finance
Professionals (ACFP); ASVC (Asia-Silicon Valley Connection);
California Chamber of Commerce; Monterey Bay International Trade
Association (MBITA). · Hank
Levine, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia, U.S. Department of Commerce
· Sam
Mills, Managing Director, Drexel Oceania · Richard
Lung, Country Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco · Craig
Allen, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Embassy,
China · Marilyn Taylor, Commercial Officer,
Embassy, China · Dr. Nancy Mangold, CSU, East Bay · Ira
Kasoff, Principal Commercial Officer, U.S.
Consulate, Shanghai China · Spencer
Loh, Chairman, Shanghai
Huateng Software Systems · Dave
Kenny, Squire Sanders & Dempsey LLP · Harry
Pfeifer, Nixon Peabody LLP |
1/25 |
Indonesia Briefing with Commercial Service,
Jakarta (Video
Conference) San Francisco
Cosponsored with Indonesia
Professional Association (IPA) and U.S.
Department of Commerce - Commercial Service · The Honorable Lynn Pascoe, US
Ambassador to Indonesia
· Margaret Keshishian, Senior Commercial
Officer, US Embassy Jakarta
· Joe Bartlett, President, American
Chamber of Commerce · James Castle, Castle Asia · Milind Gadre, Vision-Ease Asia · Andy Cobham, Motorola · Darrell Johnson, SSEK · Darryl Hadaway, Ernst & Young
1/10 |
Fujian Province Delegation, San Jose |
11/29 |
China Ministry of Commerce
Delegation Cosponsored with U.S. Commercial Service/USDOC; China Ministry
of Commerce; China Chamber of Commerce of Medical and Health Products;
China Chamber of Commerce of Machinery and Electronics. Corporate sponsors:
FedEx Corp. and FedEx Trade Networks |
11/11 |
Afternoon briefing with
H.E. Ambassador Kasit Piromya of Thailand Cosponsored with The Asia
Foundation |
10/28 |
OPIC Briefing with Juan Carlos Rivera-Montes,
OPIC Small Business Manager Cosponsored with U.S.
Commercial Service/USDOC |
10/4 |
Briefing on Chinese Intellectual
Property Rules San Francisco Alan Adcock, Rouse & Co.,
and Emma Davis, Clifford Chance Cosponsored with U.S.
Commercial Service/USDOC |
9/17 |
US Free Trade Agreements
(FTAs) with Singapore
and Thailand:
How Do They Benefit US Business? San Francisco Douglas Mancill, Deacons Bangkok;
Stephan Crawford, US Commercial Service |
9/15 |
Business Prospects in
San Francisco
under the new Mayor with Honorable Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco Principal
sponsor: Hong Kong Association of Northern
California |
8/18 |
3rd Annual California-Asia
Business Connection -- A Business Mixer held
in cooperation with Asian-American MultiTechnology Association (AAMA),
Asian Business League of San Francisco (ABL-SF), Association of Asian American
Bankers (AAAB), Association of Chinese Finance Professionals (ACFP),
Chinese Information & Networking Association (CINA), Filipino Business
Alliance, Singapore American Business Association (SABA), Thai American
Young Professionals Association (TAYPA), and Vietnamese Silicon Valley Network
(VSVN) |
8/16 |
How OPIC and TDA Can
Help You Do Business in Emerging Markets Forrest Metz , Investment Research
Analyst, Overseas Private Investment Corporation's (OPIC) Investment Development
and Economic Growth Division |
7/29 |
AND TECHNOLOGY (MOSTE) Cal-Asia briefing on business incubators and entrepreneurship In cooperation with San Jose
City College: - Dr. Do Van Loc, General Director,
High-tech Dept, Ministry of Science and Technology - Mr. Le Thanh Binh, Deputy
General Director, International Relation Dept, MOST - Prof. , Dr. Nguyen Trong
Giang, Director, Post graduate education and training center, Hanoi University
of Technology - Dr. Dao Khac An, Senior Researcher, Institute for Material
Science, Vietnam Institute for Science and technology - Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan,
Deputy Rector, Can Tho University - Prof. Dr. Nguyen Khac Hai, Director, Institute
for Medical Labor and Environmental sanitary; - Mr. Vuong Dua, General Director,
Education and Science Dept, Nhan Dan Newspaper - Dr. Che Dinh Ly, Director,
Science and International Relation Cooperation Dept, Ho Chi Minh City National
University |
7/23 |
The Investment Flows
of Asia and California and the role of the Department
of Financial Institutions (DFI) Mr. Howard Gould Commissioner
of Financial Institutions State of California Principal sponsor: Association
of Asian American Bankers |
5/14 |
10th Annual Asia Night at Fort
Mason, San Francisco Honoring Washington Sycip and featuring the art of Pop Zhao <Photo Album> |
4/6 |
A conversation with Vasana
Mututanont Economic Counselor, Office of the Economic Counselor, Thailand
Board of Investment, New York - San Francisco |
3/1 |
What's Ahead for Guangzhou and Why It's
Important to Your Business Delegation of senior businessmen and officials led
by Vice Mayor Chen Mingde |
1/28 |
Current Investment Conditions
in Hong Kong with Mike Rowse, Director General - Invest Hong Kong
Principal sponsor: Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, San Francisco |
11/21 |
Venture Capital Issues
in the P.R.C. Michael J. Scown, Regional Council, Asia
Pacific Intel Capital |
10/21 |
Focus on International
Finance Corporation Joe O'Keefe, Manager, Corporate Relations International Finance
Corporation (IFC) |
10/1 |
The Emerging Economy
of Vietnam - Mr. C.L. Lai, Advisor Singapore Technologies (Vietnam Investments)
& Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) - Mr. Nguyen Van Hung, Vice
Chairman, Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park - Mr. Tran Quang Lan, General
Director, Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park |
9/23 |
Forewarned is Forearmed
Adam Dupre, China Company Research Services Ltd. |
9/15 |
Why Consider Changxing's
Development Zone Shao Yi, Secretary of the CPC Changxing County Committee
Ge Wei, Director of Changxing Development Zone Lu Debin, Chairman, Juneng
Industry Co. Ltd |
8/8 |
Business & Legal
Trends in Asia - Views from the Field Phil Crowley, Richard B. Lewis,
Douglas Mancill, Edwarde Webre, Kevin Hobgood-Brown, DEACONS International Law
Firm |
7/7 |
Hong Kong as Asia's World
City : A Model for the Region in Intellectual
Property Protection with Stephen
Selby, Director of Intellectual Property, Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region Government |
5/2 |
9th Annual Asia Night
at the New Asian Art Museum
with honored guest Daniel K.H. Chao, Bechtel
Enterprises |
3/26 |
China and WTO: Impact on Financial Services
Kimberlee Kimura, SF Fed; Paul
Matthews, Matthews Int'l Capital; Robert
Theleen, ChinaVest |
1/17 |
China and WTO: Wireless Industry with Jing
Wang, Qualcomm; Stanley Chia, Vodafone; Lindsay Leveen, Bechtel |
12/12 |
China and the WTO: One
year later
with Ambassador Linda Tsao Yang; Stanley Lubman, Esq.; Claire Wright, Esq.; Kimberlee Kimura, Federal Reserve Bank,
San Francisco |
11/14 |
Preserving the Asian
Arts with Emily
Sano, Director, Asian Art Museum SF |
10/28 |
H.E. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, President
of the Philippines
9/27 |
Antony Leung, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
9/24 |
Dr. Nguyen Thien Nhan, HCMC |
9/13 |
Venture Capital Issues
in the PRC with Michael J. Scown, Intel Capital
8/14 |
The Entertainment Industry
and Venture Capitalism with Richard Chang,
General Partner, Bowman Capital; former Sony executive and co-founder of Columbia
Pictures Asia |
7/10-12 |
U.S.-Asia Water Partnership
Conference in Bangkok,
is cosponsor with TDA |
7/24 |
Cal-Asia Connection |
6/13 |
Assessment of the Asian
Financial Markets with Paul Matthews,
Matthews Int'l Capital; Steve Schoenfeld
(Barclay's Global); Reuven Glick(FRBSF) |
6/10 |
The State of U.S.-China Relations with the Honorable Wang
Yunxiang, Consul General of the PRC in San
Francisco |
6/5 |
Datuk Rafidah Aziz, Minister
of International Trade and Industry,
Malaysia |
5/29 |
H.E. Sakthip Krairiksh, Ambassador of
Thailand to the United States |
5/10 |
8th Annual
Night at the Presidio Officers Club; honored guests: H.E.
Soemadi, Indonesian Ambassador to the U.S. and Mrs.
Soemadi |
4/12 |
China Fallout: Implications for Asia
and the US with Robert Broadfoot, Asia
Risk Expert |
3/26 |
Post-WTO Opportunities
in the New China |
2/27 |
An Analysis of Current
Geopolitical and Economic Issues for China and the Asia-Pacific Region
with Dr. Victor Li |
2/7 |
China at the Start of the WTO Era with Robert Kapp (U.S.
Business Council); George Koo (Deloitte &
Touche) | 2001
12/14 |
Prospects for U.S.-Vietnam
Today with Vietnam Government and Trade Delegation led by Vietnam's
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dzung |
11/26 |
Vietnam: Implications Of The U.S.-Vietnam
Bilateral Trade Agreement For Vietnam And Foreign Investment with Mme. Pham Chi Lan,
Vietnam Chamber
of Commerce & Industry |
11/20 |
A Southeast
Asian Perspective on the US War on Terrorism with H.E.
Chan Heng Chee, Singapore's Ambassador to the United States |
11/2 |
Philippine IT and Outsourcing
Seminar |
10/11 |
Taking the Temperature
of Asian Financial Markets: Focus on China and Japan |
9/16 |
China -- WTO Accession
and Beijing Olympics 2008: What are the Real Implications for US Companies?
with Minister Counselor Lee Boam, US Embassy Beijing |
Governor of Indonesia's
Riau Province |
7/8 |
Trade And Tourism Opportunities |
6/27-29 |
10th World Economic Development
Congress, Kuala Lumpur |
6/28 |
Democratizing Indonesia: Future Challenges and Opportunities
Under a Megawati Presidency with Dr.
Douglas Ramage, The Asia Foundation's Representative in Indonesia,
East Timor, and Malaysia |
6/25 |
Economic conditions in
Thailand with H.E. Dr. Tej
Bunnag, Ambassador of Thailand to the U.S.
6/20 |
The Outlook for Asia Pacific: Rewriting the Rulebook with Richard Martin, EIU |
5/21 |
Turmoil or Transition:
Business in Indonesia |
5/18 |
7th Annual Asia Night at Asian
Art Museum, SF |
5/17 |
Penang, Malaysia, Investment Seminar |
4/17 |
Hon. Larry Greenwood, U.S. APEC
Coordinator |
4/10 |
Focus on Information
& Technology: WTO Implementation with Senior Chinese Trade Experts |
3/7 |
Meeting with H.E. Dorojatun
Kuntjoro-Jakti, Ambassador of Indonesia |
2/23 |
China Discussion and Working Group |
2/22 |
Hon. Dennis Harter, USEMB,
Hanoi |
2/21 |
Vietnam Section Meeting |
1/10 |
Asia Business in the New Millennium: An informal, sector-by-sector
dialogue with Cal-Asia experts on business prospects |
Cal-Asia's Asia Night Archive |